Proof of God, Part 2: Signs from Heaven
Contrary to Popular Myth, You Don't Need to be "Special" to Talk with God
A True Story
When I was around 19/20 years old, I was depressed, and my health was terrible—I was a complete and total degenerate who did absolutely nothing useful with his time. I only attended about 50% of my own senior year in high school, because I was busy partying instead; this way of life continued after high school for about a year (and then gradually tapered off from there), until I felt an urgent need to begin the process of making something of myself.
I can’t recall the exact date when it happened, but one day I realized “holy s$&t, I have no skills, I have no idea how society actually works, I don’t know how the planet works, I couldn’t survive if I had to, and I have no accomplishments worth talking about”. I hadn’t even exercised a day in my life at that point. I frankly wanted to die… and it was at this point that things took a u-turn in a very dramatic way in my life.
Many people report finding God at their lowest point, right when life stops seeming to be “worth it”. I grew more or less an atheist, which lead me to feel nihilistic and disconnected from reality (I say “more or less” because, unlike your average Hitchens or Dawkins fan, I wasn’t particularly attached to the ideology. It was more like a “default setting” that I didn’t think very much about). I wasn’t “opposed” to God per se, but you must understand that when you’re cultural programming largely consists of authority figures insinuating that it’s “crazy to believe in a man in the clouds”, then it’s hard to consider other alternatives without feeling like you’re going a bit mad.
Nonetheless, at my wits end, I decided to seriously reconsider the question. I asked, “is it possible that the pain I feel could be converted somehow into an understanding of things that could make the world better? Can my pain become medicine, somehow?” The idea that I could do something meaningful and beneficial for others had a way of counteracting the depression and nihilism, and I decided that it was worth following that gut instinct—again, despite my cultural programming that had me feeling very distrustful of matters of “intuition” and spirituality.
At the time, I knew a woman who was interested in Native American mythology and religion, and was quite open about her belief in the existence of the “spirit” realm. She and I—and a bunch of mutual friends—ended up at a party together where someone asked her if she could tell us what our “spirit animals” are. Without hesitation, she looked at each person and named an animal. When she got to me, she said my animal was “deer”… (Stay with me folks, because there’s a point to all of this, but not the point you think I’m making…)
Lo and behold, that night I saw several deer alongside the road as I drove home… then I saw deer again the following day, and the next, and the next, and this went on for 2 1/2 months every single day, culminating on Christmas when a family of about 20 deer or so decided to make my front lawn their new home. A girl I was dating at the time told me that deer almost always appeared in her backyard right before I was about to call.
I would even joke with friends about it, saying, “hey guess what, I can make a deer appear in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”. I wasn’t even being serious, but oftentimes one would obligingly appear.
That was my first experience with something that many refer to as “synchronicity”, which has been a feature of my life nonstop ever since those days. I haven’t seen so many deer in my life as I did since then, but the signs and synchronicities have morphed into a variety of themes throughout my life. Bluejays are another animal that have appeared at significant moments in my life.
For example, I had a friend whose sister was killed by a drunk driver—she always said that bluejays were her “spirit animal”. I never got to know her very well, but more than a decade later I reconnected with her family, and they gave me a book about her that they wrote after she died. Whenever I read that book, bluejays would land on my patio.
I’ve heard it said that bluejays symbolize artistic excellence, which is interesting because another time I’d see them would be on those days that I really felt I had improved as a musician. Another guitarist friend of mine was working on a song outside and hit ‘the zone”—he came up with a really impressive riff and a bluejay landed on the neck of his guitar the instant he hit the last note.
What is one supposed to make of all this? I’ve got a few ideas…
Spirituality and Social Isolation
Needless to say, I considered these experiences very meaningful, though I wasn’t sure exactly what meaning I was supposed to glean from them. All I knew was that it was statistically impossible for all of these signs to occur at random. I came up with a variety of explanations, almost all of which were deemed “crazy” by the surrounding culture—on a couple occasions, my roommates tried to have an “intervention” to get me to stop “believing crazy things” (essentially, I was being punished for trying honestly to figure things out). I was ridiculed and told over and over again, in various ways, that I was failure of a human being. Though I’ve never had what people call “dissociative identity disorder” I can see very easily how such a condition might develop. More on that in a bit…
I wondered if God was talking to me and wanted me to “do something”. I just didn’t know what; but I feared the worst punishment imaginable might befall me if I didn’t figure it out. Trying to square what I was experiencing with my cultural programming left me in a highly suggestible (aka easily hypnotized) state. I was in a psychological double-bind of existential proportions for many years. A friend of mine even brought me to a shaman to help me figure out what was going on—this “shaman” told me that I was one of the “chosen ones”, which was terrifying to hear and only made things worse. (Iron rule of hypnosis: anyone we trust as an authority may as well be a hypnotist to us. This is why it’s of paramount importance to do you own thinking!).
Anyways, I don’t buy that crap anymore, but at the time I was earnestly trying to do as the Universe asked me, and I was psychologically vulnerable. I simply had no means to make sense of what was going on, and there was not a single soul in whom I could fully confide. I wore a mask at all times. I sincerely believed that I was being called forth on a mission of sorts, but didn’t know what—ironically, I know for certain these days that I do have a mission, just nothing like what I thought back then…
To make matters even crazier, this shaman had a buddy who approached me to gift me a necklace with a stone hawks head on it, and told me “the spirits told me to give this to you. This means you have the gift of being able to see far”. (As an aside, the more stereotypical the message, the less likely it is to be genuine… keep that in mind whenever anyone is trying to sell you “spiritual” awareness of any kind!).
A couple days later, I decided to go out into the woods and meditate, and as soon as I felt myself “plug in” to the Earth, a hawk swooped down and landed right next to me, and just chilled out with me for about 30 seconds before taking flight somewhere else. Unfortunately, I’m the only witness to this event (besides the hawk), so you’ll have to take my word on that. If you’re disinclined to do so, then more power to you, as far as I’m concerned.
Making Sense of Things
I don’t particularly care whether or not people believe anything I’ve shared thus far, because in a moment I’m going to give you a means by which you can begin to independently verify whether or not “synchronicities” are indeed a real thing.
The shaman who gave me the mind-numbingly destructive “you’re a chosen one” rap did indeed say things to me that were astonishingly accurate. For example, he knew the themes of certain songs I was writing which I had not yet shared with anyone. This made me trust his word more than was warranted—nowadays, I’m aware of the fact that spooks and intelligence agents practice methods such as “remote viewing” and so on, so that probably explains it. I have no way of proving this, but I hear that shaman was some kind of former FBI guy…
Having experienced all that, it is my belief that one of the causes of dissociate identity disorder (DID) is when you literally believe it’s necessary to form multiple personalities in order to survive in multiple environments. The fear of God is put in you to do x in situation a; and then the fear of God is put in your to do y in situation b. What we call “personality” is, in my estimation, a meta habit—aka a habit that comprises a plethora of sub habits.
We all feel like we’re a “different person” from time to time—well what would happen if you were threatened to be a different person, or else? Again, the world in which I grew up was diametrically opposed to the world of spirituality I was discovering… and I was afraid in both circumstances that failure would mean going to hell (literally or figuratively). No matter what step I took, I risked terrible punishment. There were no safe moves (relative to my belief system at the time).
My mind was so split apart in different directions at the time that, to this day, it quite literally feels like I’m accessing someone else’s memory whenever I think of those times. I know full well that was me having those experiences, but on a subjective level, calling those memories to mind feels like I’m looking through someone else’s eyes. It’s a truly bizarre feeling. (Unlike with full blown DID, I don’t have any amnesia that prevents me from accessing said memories.)
To make a long story short, I have very good reason to suspect that my mind was being deliberately played with by someone trained by intelligence agencies. If I had to guess the purpose of this, I’d wager that these agencies send “feelers” out into the world looking for recruits and they want to “test” people for certain talents—it’s not necessary for them to come looking for you; instead, they just set up shop and wait for confused people to come to them. (Among other tactics…)
That said, the signs and synchronicities were nonetheless important and real, and I discovered years later why.
You see, even the Devil can quote scripture—and God can bring you signs using anything, or anyone, He wants. The experiences I had during those years taught me how to defend my mind and spirit, and these skills prepared me for even greater battles that were to come later in life.
The shaman told me that everyone I knew would be dead by the end of 2012… and it would be my fault if I didn’t figure out how to save them. It was quite a guilt trip, to be sure, but nonetheless I decided in early 2012 that I wasn’t going to believe him anymore. The thought occurred to me, “so what if this guy has psychic powers? I still have a moral obligation to verify why I believe what I believe, and NOT rely on anyone no matter how “powerful” they may seem.”
And you know what happened? The signs and synchronicities only increased after I made that choice. I would have a thought and then see the thought printed verbatim on a movie poster—or someone would enter the room and speak it out loud. In a nutshell, by disavowing those old narratives, I seemed to become even more connected to things than I was before.
I used to refer to that event as my “dogma vaccination”, (until I learned more about vaccines, which come from the word “vaca” which means cow. Literally, they’re telling you with their words that you’re a form a livestock.).
Perhaps after reading this story, many of you are starting to realize why I value independent thought so highly. I truly believe that each one of us has a direct line to God that is sacred and cannot be intervened upon by any other human being (save for Jesus), unless we willingly open the door to such trespass. There are plenty of people whose opinions I afford a great deal of weight (examples include but aren’t limited to Walter Russell, Chris Langan, Frank O’Collins, among others), but I will never under any circumstances substitute another man’s thinking for my own—there is no sum of money on Earth you could pay me to do that. You couldn’t even get me to do that if you put a gun to my head.
In recent years, my belief that we all have a direct line to God has been vindicated, surprisingly, through mathematics and logic.
Returning to Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem and My Mathematical Proof for God
If you’ve read Proof of God, Part 1, you’d know that I regard Godel’s Incompleteness theorem as a sort of “accidental” proof of God. Turns out, I’m not the only guy who thinks this is the case—mathematician Perry Marshall came to the same conclusion as me (more or less). I’m not going to reiterate the arguments why, so read that piece before continuing.
Have you read it yet? Excellent.
Anyways, the meta set that mathematically describes God has certain properties that we can infer with the same level of certainty that we have when we declare that 2 + 2 = 4. Among other things we can say that:
God is singular
God is perfect (consistent)
God is generative (creates things intelligently)
God is simultaneously inside and outside everything
God is the source of coherence and stability of existence
God is the ultimate reference point by which all other things in existence are given stable meaning
No set of objects can exist without God’s existence
You can’t exist without God
The reason why we know this to the case is because—just like with a mathematic equation—we can simply treat incompleteness of all formal sets of objects/numbers itself as an unresolved equation, and observe that God must fill the gap. From there, we only need to ask ourselves what properties God must have in order to complete the “set of all sets”. This is not a matter of personal opinion, but of mathematical certainty.
What does this mean?
It means that you DO have a personal relationship with God that CAN’T be “trespassed” upon by any other Being in existence. Not forever, at least.
Don’t get me wrong—people can deny such a connection exists all they want. Many people fervently believe that they inhabit a material world with no spiritual component, and God doesn’t force them to change their mind per se (although pain often acts as a teacher in this regard). Ironically, if you believe signs and synchronicities don’t exist, then it seems the Universe will oblige you by never sending you any.
Case in point, I didn’t experience any signs until I started earnestly seeking answers to the pain I experienced in young adulthood, leading me to discover spirituality. Today, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that what people refer to as “signs” and “synchronicities” are simply the outward manifestations of God or other spirits communicating with you (but be warned, because not all spirits out there are your friend). I had to go through a prolonged season of complete isolation to figure that out, but it was worth it.
A Note of Caution
God isn’t the only “being” out there. There are negative intelligences/entities as well. See Spiritual Self Defense Part 2 for more on that. These entities share certain universal characteristics that all psychopaths share (see Spiritual Self Defense Part 1)—and therefore, if you know how to profile a psychopath on one side of the veil, you can do so on the other. Sometimes they pose as your best friend, but ultimately their aim is to consume you. Psychopaths, in essence, are parasites who have cut themselves off from God—and when you realize that that’s what they are, then you will realize they are nothing to fear. Hollywood wants you to think there’s something “mysterious” or “sexy” about evil/psychopathy—in truth, that which is evil is stupid and ugly, and no one would think otherwise, were it not for ignorance and/or hypnosis.
God won’t disrespect you; God doesn’t seek to puff up your ego; God doesn’t use double-binds to coerce you into compliance with His will—though He may issue a stern warning from time to time, His warnings are always fair.
For those who like to go looking for discarnate entities to talk to, let me ask you something: is not having a body the equivalent of having a Ph.D??? Spirit possession isn’t as cool as the movies make it seem…
Seek God, first and foremost and you will “move mountains” as Jesus once said. Negative entities only want to suck you dry of your energy; God (and those beings who truly love you) want you to keep your energy and grow it. You need to be clear within yourself about what is and isn’t healthy—and what you’re prepared to say NO to—otherwise you shouldn’t be inviting ANYTHING “from the other side” into your life.
An Effective Method for Opening Up the Telephone Line to God
Remember when I said that I’d give you guys a method to independently verify everything I’ve said about signs and synchronicities? Here ya go.
STEP 1: give yourself permission to form a personal connection with God. It’s a funny thing about the human mind—we often can’t do things before we give ourselves permission to do said things. So do that first.
STEP 2: make a promise to God that you will do your best to make the world a better place (starting with yourself). This is basically what I did when I started asking the Universe to help me transmute my pain into something useful. Contrary to Marxist indoctrination, the best way to go about this is to build yourself first, then your immediate family and loved ones, then the surrounding neighborhood, then the town, the communities you belong to, and so on, going outward like concentric rings that begin with yourself as the center point. Marxism wants you to sacrifice yourself and your family to the “greater good” (as determined by people like the UN, banks, international trillion dollar corporations and, WEF, etc), but this is a faustian bargain. It’s 100% okay to serve yourself and yours from time to time.
STEP 3: make tangible steps towards fulfilling your promise, without needing confirmation that God “heard” you. God wants to see you put forth a bit of effort. Words without action are useless—you shouldn’t believe what someone tells you if their actions contradict their words; likewise, God won’t believe you if your actions don’t match your words. That’s why, while words can certainly be helpful, they aren’t sufficient on their own.
I can’t tell you the specifics of the promise(s) you need to make, nor can I tell you what steps you need to take. All I can say is that I’ve talked to countless people who, when they realized I wouldn’t call them crazy for it, attest that the moment they started honestly working to fulfill certain promises to God, then that’s when signs started showing up everywhere for them too. It’s not as unusual phenomenon as the mainstream says it is.
IMPORTANT: if you start getting signs and synchronicities, don’t let it inflate your ego. Be sober in your pursuit of that which is Good, True, Beautiful, and Excellent. You aren’t special—we all have access to God. (Well… those of us who are consistent, congruent, and moral about it…)
It may be hard at first to believe that God/the Universe actually hears you and responds to you; but, after a while, you will come to see it as a normal part of everyday life.
Just remember that if you want God to bring you nice things, you also have to make yourself useful to God.
I have to say, this is the first, very first time hearing how to 'come to God' without a ritual like doing.
Your story is fascinating, so fascinating that dinner is late and my husband is waiting, hahahaha
Personally, I do believe as I look back on my own life which I have lived for a very, very, very long time, that God does lead us in a way that we could see, in the way we could understand.... to Him...
American Hypnotist, your writing and discernment and understanding is remarkable for being so young, but then's God's leading....thank you for making my day, now to feed the hubby...
Beautiful substack post. You are one of the seeker of the truth who are now on this earth. There are a lot! It is a journey and because "you have the gift of being able to see far" you observe the delicate signs from God (you call them “synchronicities”). So, enjoy the beauty of Creation and try to do good. In communist political prisons in Romania, some of prisoners put on the edge of life described a lot of “synchronicities”. They were sure about God, being in a very very difficult situation. They had a lot of proofs. Maybe in all the countries there are prisoners (not only political ones) who had or have a subtle understanding of Life and God presence.